Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chapter 17 Blog 3/26/09

"Do it, I signal. Do it." pg. 150

I chose this quote because i really like the encouragement between Nadira and Aisha. They have been through a lot, and now that they act more like sisters/friends it is better for Abba to get back to normal. Their family has not been there for them, but they have been there for each other, and they need to know that they will each always be there for each other.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chapter 16 Blog 3/24/09

"'But now i think you're a coward, Aisha'" pg. 147

I chose this quote because i thought it was good that Nadira really took charge and showed how Aisha was acting. It was about time that Aisha really saw what she was acting like, in another persons view. Nadira was really brave to tell Aisha this, and i think it was really good that she did because like Ma is strengthening Abba, Nadira is strengthening Aisha.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Chapter 15 Blog 3/20/09

"At first I can't get the words out–it's like pushing against a wall of water. i want to tell them more than just that i have proof that Abba was just putting money away for our tuition. i want to tell them that Abba's favorite TV show is The Simpsons and that he loves Tagore." Pg. 132

I chose this quote because, like alli said in class today, there is a lot of connections with water, and also Nadira mentioned that Abba's favorite TV show is The Simpsons. This reminded me of when she was with Tareque and the little boy was watching The Simpsons.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chapter 14 Blog 3/18/09

"'I change my mind,' I tell tareq when he comes looking for me. 'I don't want to give them Abba's money.'
'What are you talking about?'
'I can't do it.'" pg. 122-123

I chose this quote because i thought that Nadira made the right choice not to give them the money. i think it was a bad decision to even trust Tareq and the other guys.  But i am glad that she decided not too. This is an important quote because Nadira really thought twice. She thought about her surroundings and what would this do to help her father. She can do something else, just as good, to help her father.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Chapter 12 Blog 3/16/09

 "It makes me a little sad watching her–like she's already gone from us." pg. 105

I chose this quote because Nadira doesn't think about the past anymore. She thinks about right now, and doesn't care how Aisha treated her in the past. She is looking forward to Aisha and her becoming closer, and it hurts her a little, watching leave to go for the interview. If only she told Aisha this, it would make a really strong point in the book.

Chapter 11 Blog 3/15/09

"'I don't know. I guess before. . .' I pause. 'Before, you always took over, Aisha. It's like you didn't leave any room for me.'" pg. 89

I chose this quote because Nadira finally sticks up to Aisha. She tells Aisha how she acts on the outside, what she shows to the world. I really like that Nadira finally told Aisha this. It shows Aisha why Nadira is always in the shadow, and it shows how she feels.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chapter 10 Blog 3/12/09

"When he nods, Auntie lets out a wail like I've never heard, pulling at her own cheeks. My heart feels as if it's been twisted into a knot." pg. 86

I chose this quote because I really feel bad for them (the whole family). It is really sad that now Uncle has to be taken away, just like Aisha and Nadira's dad. Nadira is really heart broken to see her uncle be taken away, and see Auntie wailing like never before.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Chapter 9 3/6/09

"We're planting a garden with our words. Our future." pg. 79

I chose this quote because it shows that they have become more responsible and more mature. They are watching what they say, and every word they say, they make it meaningful, they don't want to waste a breathe. They are surprised that their father had so much money for them, for college, and Nadira go extra happy when she found out that some of it was for her college fund. They now are trying the best they can to help get their father out, and are hoping by all of this it will make their future better.

Chapter 8 Blog 3/6/09 #2

"None of this is ours anymore, we realize, and for the rest of the ride we say nothing." pg. 67

I chose this quote because it shows how they are not feeling at home, when at first they wanted to be. They already feel like this isn't their home anymore, and that it should be Canada. They have worked really hard to get to Canada, and now that they did not get an asylum, they are working even harder. I think that they are soon going to drive up to their parents, and help get their dad back. I think that because they think that they aren't supposed to be there, and that they should be with their parents.

Chapter 8 Blog 3/6/09 #1

'"I'm Scared," she whispers." pg. 66
I chose this quote because Aisha finally shows her feelings towards Nadira. They are finally getting closer too each other and showing each other their real feelings. I really like that Aisha just plain out said she was scared, before she said she was scared for Abba. This shows that she is scared for more than one reason, and one of the reasons is Abba.

WetBack compared to Ask me No Questions

I thought it was good to produce this movie. you really get a feel on how hard it is to come over with out papers. It is scary to watch them cross the border because you are afraid they could get caught. Watching them walk for so long, starts to make me feel tired. this first part of the movie really gave me a sense of what it is like to cross. They have to say goodbye to their family and friends, and hope that they will see them again, but might not. Also it might not be their choice to cross the border, they might have to because of the circumstances they are in. I have never imagined it would be so hard to cross the border, until i really saw it in this movie. 
The two guys that are being filmed have different characters. One guy is thinking more of the bad things that could happened. He does think about the good things that can/are happening, but he is giving thought to if something bad happens. I think this first guy is more like Nadira because they both think of the bad things, so they can be more prepared. They show that they are struggling, and that they are scared, but i think it is very good of them to also think of the bad things that could happen.
The second guy has a lot of faith in himself. He seems very prepared, and is saying that he is very motivated, and really focused. He knows he can do it. He has a lot of confidence, but i do think he should look at the bad side a little bit because what if something goes wrong, what if he won't make it? What will he do, if he is not completely prepared. I think this second guy is more like Aisha because they both have a lot of confidence in themselves elves. They both feel very strong with their decisions and are strong and confident with themselves. 
The movie and the book are alike because they both are crossing borders, and are alone. The two guys are crossing the borders by themselves, and the girls/sisters are by themselves while their parents are away from them.
 The book and the movie both give you a strong feeling on how hard it is to cross the border.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chapter 7 Blog 3/4/09

 "We cram into our land, which is no bigger than Wisconsin."

This quote caught my attention because we are so lucky to have what we have, space, a home, school education, and being able to buy what we need or want. This quote is saying how small their land is, and that our country is so much bigger. We (American's) are so spoiled with what we have, and when you read this quote it really makes you realize what you have, and how lucky you are. It made me feel guilty reading this quote, for getting mad at my parents for not letting me get something i really wanted. I just can't imagine living in that kind of situation, but most people do live in that situation. 

Chapter 5 Blog 3/4/09

"I look up at the black sky, and i wonder if it's dark in Vermont, too." pg. 35

I liked this quote because it shows that Nadira misses her parents. She is just really lonely now, and just watches the days go by. She wants to see her parents, and she wants this all to go away. She doesn't have a really good connection with her family she is staying with, like she did with her parents, but she can at least talk to them about her parents. They are almost going through the same thing as her. You can tell in this quote that she is sad because its now a black sky where she is now, and she only said this now. Wondering if Vermont is dark also shows she misses her parents, and is sad that they are away from her. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chapter 6 Blog 3/3/09

"I can't go to my sister. I can't go to anyone, not now" pg. 54

I feel really bad for Nadira. She is under a lot of pressure, and she now feels like everything is her fault. Because of what happened with her and Uncle, she feels really insecure, especially now. She can't share what has happened to her best friend, who they share everything with, and now she feels she can't share anything with anyone anymore. Since this morning she has felt like a completely different person, cheating on her math test, making her sister cry, feels like everything was her fault, and doesn't know what to do. She is going through a lot right now, and to make it even more shaken up, her father has to be "questioned". How can she share what happened with Uncle with anyone, how can she say she made her sister cry, how can she talk about what happened with her father? The thing is, she can't. She's afraid she will mess everything up, more than it is now. I think she does need to branch out to someone. Maybe she can tell Tim. He seems to know a lot about what is going on, and he seems like a good listener for her, just to let everything out. Just to get it off of her chest. She needs to tell someone, but not someone who is involved, not someone she normally would go to, a new person, someone just there.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Shino made a good point

In Shino's post she talked about how Aisha isn't really "perfect" and how Nadira is the only one who knows how hard she tries to be perfect. I liked how Nadira knows that side of Aisha. It can be good when they are actually by themselves because Aisha won't have to be "perfect" all the time around Nadira. Aisha can be her normal self around Nadira. Shino also said "She has to work towards who she is, and that she has her weak spots like everyone else." That is also a really great point because Nadira knows how hard Aisha tries, Nadira knows her secret, and to ruin that for Aisha, would be horrible. Nadira also knows Aisha's week spots, but doesn't bug her in those ways, she just completely bugs Aisha because Nadira isn't "pefect" like Aisha.

Chapter 4 Blog

"'We're not in Canada, we're not in America, we're not in Bangladesh. We're on our own." pg. 28

I chose this quote because it shows how now that both of their parents are away from them, they have to learn to get along. They aren't anywhere right now. They are driving, driving to their Aunt's and Uncle's to stay their until their parents are free. It shows how they don't have a home right now, and they are trying to find one. I think this quote is important to the story because they have driven many miles in hope of retrieving an asylum, but didn't get one. They sold their house for it, and now their dad is under arrest.