Friday, March 6, 2009

WetBack compared to Ask me No Questions

I thought it was good to produce this movie. you really get a feel on how hard it is to come over with out papers. It is scary to watch them cross the border because you are afraid they could get caught. Watching them walk for so long, starts to make me feel tired. this first part of the movie really gave me a sense of what it is like to cross. They have to say goodbye to their family and friends, and hope that they will see them again, but might not. Also it might not be their choice to cross the border, they might have to because of the circumstances they are in. I have never imagined it would be so hard to cross the border, until i really saw it in this movie. 
The two guys that are being filmed have different characters. One guy is thinking more of the bad things that could happened. He does think about the good things that can/are happening, but he is giving thought to if something bad happens. I think this first guy is more like Nadira because they both think of the bad things, so they can be more prepared. They show that they are struggling, and that they are scared, but i think it is very good of them to also think of the bad things that could happen.
The second guy has a lot of faith in himself. He seems very prepared, and is saying that he is very motivated, and really focused. He knows he can do it. He has a lot of confidence, but i do think he should look at the bad side a little bit because what if something goes wrong, what if he won't make it? What will he do, if he is not completely prepared. I think this second guy is more like Aisha because they both have a lot of confidence in themselves elves. They both feel very strong with their decisions and are strong and confident with themselves. 
The movie and the book are alike because they both are crossing borders, and are alone. The two guys are crossing the borders by themselves, and the girls/sisters are by themselves while their parents are away from them.
 The book and the movie both give you a strong feeling on how hard it is to cross the border.

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